The Bluewater Blog
Facts, Opinions, and Everything In Between!

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A Strong Case For Sidemount
If you know me, you know I’ve long been a naysayer regarding the efficacy of sidemount diving. I’ve called it “widemount,” I’ve said it’s just for caves, I’ve called it a dumb fad that’ll soon pass, etc. Well, guess what? I was wrong, okay! I admit it! Ya happy...
Why Scuba Diving Is The Best Sport/Hobby In The World
While preparing to write this article I realized it could easily be construed as simply "preaching to the choir." Obviously, I know scuba diving is the greatest thing in the world, or I wouldn't work in a dive shop and teach diving for a living. Obviously, you know...
Dive More: A Resolution You Can Stick With
It's that time of year again; time for the ol' New Year's Resolution. Vows will range from losing weight/getting in shape to cutting down on drinking or eating healthier. Most of these vows seem to start with the greatest of intentions but quickly fade into un-fun...
My Top 10 Reading List
I never get tired of diving. I never get tired of talking about diving, learning about diving, teaching diving, or reading about diving. Whether it’s a trade publication, consumer magazine, blog, novel, or instructional manual, any chance to stuff my brain...
The Importance of Self-Reliance
The buddy system. The Buddy System. THE BUDDY SYSTEM! Outside of “never hold your breath!,” no scuba concept has been drilled into your head from Day 1 of Open Water training more than using the buddy system. Always do a pre-dive safety check (BWRAF) with...
The OTHER Most Important Number on Your Dive Computer
What a great time to be a scuba diver! Technological advancements over the last few decades have made diving much easier, safer, more comfortable, and maybe even more fun than it was for our parents’ (or grandparents’) generation. They had to wear a...
Trimming Out On Empty
If you’ve been scuba diving more than 20 minutes or so, you’ve learned that there’s no more important skill in all of diving than buoyancy. Regardless of how long you’ve been scuba diving, you’ve probably also learned that there’s no more difficult skill...