Specialty Courses

Upgrade To Expert Level!

Find Your Dive Interests, And Get Better At Them!

During the course of becoming an Advanced Open Water Diver, most students discover a passion for a particular type of diving and want to further their education in that specialty. Just a few of the MANY specialty courses we offer are listed on this page. As with all courses beyond Open Water, materials and equipment rental are not included. Check out our calendar for the next scheduled specialty course, and if you don’t see the one you want, ask us to schedule it! All of these count toward the prized Master Scuba Diver rating, and you can save a LOT of money by taking advantage of our 20/20 Program!


Courses with boxes around them have their own page…

PADI Specialty Courses

Deep Diver - $159 - 4 Dives

We all hear the siren’s call, beckoning us to explore the depths. Learn how to safely dive to the recreational limit of 130′ and leave your cares at the surface!

Wreck Diver - $159 - 4 Dives

Dive into the history and mystery of underwater shipwrecks. You’ll learn research, mapping, penetration techniques, and more!

Search & Recovery - $159 - 4 Dives

Sometime, somewhere, somebody is going to come tell you they lost something in the water. You’ll be the expert who knows how to retrieve it!

Enriched Air Nitrox - $175

Considered one of the most important specialty courses, a quick online (or class) session will allow you to enjoy the vast benefits that Nitrox brings!

PPB - $119 - 2 Dives

Peak Performance Buoyancy is THE course to take to gain comfort and control over your dives. Offered most lake weekends at a special price!

Underwater Nav - $149 - 3 Dives

Skill as an Underwater Navigator will make you the leader, the one the other divers follow. From natural navigation to compass use, you’ll always know the way!

Night Diver - $159 - 3 Dives

Grab your underwater flashlight, and see the difference in the reef’s critters after dark. Night dives are some of the most enjoyable you’ll ever experience!

Sidemount - $249 - 3 Dives

Born out of necessity in caves, sidemount diving is quickly becoming very popular among recreational divers. If one tank is good, two has to be better!

PADI Equipment Specialist

Equipment Specialist - $139

Learn how all your scuba gear works, how to maintain it properly, how to diagnose problems, and how to make quick, in-the-field fixes to Save Your Dives!

Want More….?

Still don’t see the specialty courses you’re looking for? Check out PADI’s Continuing Education chart below. If it exists, and you’re interested, chances are we can teach you!