Eric Hopkins

I have been approximately 13 years old for more than 45 years now. Much to my wife’s distress, I just never emotionally advanced past that age of trying to add fun, wonder, excitement, and a little orneriness to every aspect of my life. I have been married for almost 40 years to my dive buddy. We have three children and a son-in-law. My wife and I began scuba diving in 1997 after taking a Caribbean cruise and not being able to scuba dive. Note: If you are going to surprise your wife with a cruise, come up with a good reason to become scuba certified beforehand. Over the past few years our children, son-in-law, my sister, and brother-in-law have one by one achieved certification. My father was certified with my Loree and I but never dove afterward. One of my coolest moments as an instructor was diving with him in Hawaii after completing a Scuba Review.
Scuba diving is such a wonderful all around sport. Introducing my family to scuba diving is much of my motivation to instruct. When I find something fun, relaxing, and enjoyable I tend to want to bring others on board. I became a Course Director in 2012 which allows me to teach scuba instructors. Scuba has a macho reputation, but in actuality it is a wonderful family sport. It is a sport that can be enjoyed over a lifetime and can include participants of all ages and in more locations than just exotic tropical locals. I’ve had the pleasure of diving the intercontinental divide in Iceland one February afternoon. My goal is to have no one left topside.
In addition to scuba, I enjoy landscaping when it involves my tractor, koi ponds, rock lined creek beds, theater and woodworking. I have traveled from the top of volcanoes and snow-capped mountains to the depths of the ocean. I tend to enjoy the route less traveled, a little more rustic, or the one that most represents the indigenous people of the region be that a small village in Guatemala or New York City. I enjoy winter sports such as snow skiing and riding snowmobiles to the top of the Continental Divide. I restore and collect antique and muscle cars. During the hours of the day I am forced to be an adult. I am an implant dentist.